Beaver Dam State Park
Big River State Forest
Cache River State Natural Area
Cave-In-Rock State Park
Coffeen Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area
Des Plaines Fish and Wildlife Area
Golconda Marina State Recreation Area
Hamilton County State Fish and Wildlife Area
Illinois Caverns State Natural Area
Lincoln Trail State Park
Mackinaw River State Fish and Wildlife Area
Mackinaw River State Fish and Wildlife Area
Matthiessen State Park
North Point Marina State Recreation Area
North Point Marina State Recreation Area
Piney Creek Ravine State Natural Area
Rock Island State Trail
Tunnel Hill State Trail
Woodford State Fish and Wildlife Area

Map of Illinois State Parks

125 sites were found 19 park(s) did not have coordinates to plot and are not available on this map. Some sites, such as state beaches, wildlife management areas and similar locations may not be displayed on this map. All sites will be available on the page with a list of parks for Illinois.

Click the pointers on the map to see the name of the park with latitude, longitude and a link to more information about that park.